Constructive – Home Conversions

Unlike simple adaptations which are normally limited to a single room or area of a home, conversions are usually greater in size and complexity and will often involve structural alteration and a degree of new build. Consequently a multi-faceted ‘design and build’ team is often assembled for such projects. Constructive is experienced in large conversions and new build adaptations.

We are often instructed by solicitors acting for clients that have been involved in accidents or traumas rendering physical and mental disabilities or after life changing diagnosis’. Our track record of reducing project delivery times without affecting quality means that we are frequently the preferred contractor.

Acting as principal contractor we work alongside specialist disability architects, structural engineers, occupational therapists and specialist equipment suppliers, bringing construction management expertise to the team. We are expert in managing the pre-construction process and site team including sub-contractors and specialist suppliers.

On all sites, a designated site manager or working foreman will oversee day-to-day operations with a visiting contracts manager attending site periodically. Site progress meetings are usually chaired by the Constructive manager and a full progress report issued including an updated programme showing progress in the last period.

We are experienced in working with a wide variety of contract documentation most commonly through the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) suite of standard building contracts.

During the pre-contract period construction activity sequences are plotted using Powerproject© programming software such that the critical path (the shortest route through activities) can be understood. These critical activities are scrutinised to consider how the contract period can be reduced without affecting cost, quality or safety. This process enables the building to be handed over to the end user as quickly as possible – often a key requirement.